When a terrified Seb tells Eileen she’s married to a killer is she finally about to discover the truth?
Young Seb has put all his trust in Phelan but next week he learns just what a dangerous man he’s been dealing with.
With his suspicions about the builder growing by the minute, and with the builder’s terrible showdown with mechanic Luke weighing on his mind, a scared Seb decides he needs to flee Weatherfield.
However when the sinister Scouser learns that Seb is planning to do a runner he threatens him, warning him that his fingerprints are all over the gun that he’s been stashing in his toolbox.

Unable to take any more, a terrified Seb decides he has no option but to get out of Weatherfield pronto but when Eileen corners him and demands to know what’s going on, Seb cracks.
The teen tells Eileen that she’s married to a monster, that Phelan framed Anna Windass, who’s currently behind bars, for GBH and that her other half is in possession of a gun that is hidden in his toolbox! YIKES!
A shell-shocked Eileen is aghast and decides she needs to see Anna in prison to get her version of events. Will the incarcerated café-worker convince a gullible Eileen just what her evil other half has done?
Meanwhile, when Phelan learns that his young apprentice, Seb, has become a blabbing loose-cannon intent on escaping Weatherfield, he pays his mum Abi a visit and quizzes her about her son’s whereabouts. Will alcoholic Abi spill the beans when sly Phelan also slips her some cash?

Back on the street and with Seb’s words of warning burning through her brain, Eileen braces herself as she decides to open her hubby’s toolbox.

As she hovers nervously over the box, is she going to discover the deadly weapon he’s been stashing? And if so will she finally realise she’s married to a murdering monster?
**Do you think Eileen will finally realise the terrible truth? Let us know on FacebookFacebook or **TwitterTwitter
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