The Connors get a surprise Christmas present when Carla returns to the cobbles...
After setting off into Devon sunset over a year ago, following her utterly disastrous car crash of a wedding to Nick Tilsley...(who could forget!), Carla returns to Weatherfield just in time for Christmas!
HURRAY! We’ve missed her scowly pout and her catty put-downs, not to mention the drama that follows her wherever she goes.
The surprise arrival occurs when Aidan, who’s desperate to raise Underworld from the ashes, gets in touch with his half-sister in the hope that she can help him.
Alison King who plays the ballsy businesswoman says Carla is pleased to hear from Aidan and is curious when he asks if they can meet up.
“She’s intrigued”, says Alison, “She misses everyone but her first reaction when he asks her to help him buy the factory is, ‘Absolutely not!’ , but then she starts thinking about family.”
It seems that meeting up with Aidan gets Carla’s brain whirring. “She realises she misses everyone and would like to be with them at Christmas”, adds Alison. Aah bless her... log fires, Quality Streets in front of the Queen's Speech and all that....
So having flatly refused to help bank roll Underworld, Aidan is surprised when Carla later rocks up in Weatherfield on Christmas Day! SURPRISE!
“She tells him she’s changed her mind”, says Alison. “She wants to help and she rallies around. She’s a bit like Mother Christmas and is a bit more vulnerable than she has been in the past.”
One person who is particularly delighted to see her is Roy. He and Carla always shared a lovely friendship and Roy was her one ally through thick and thin....and let's face it there was a lot of thick and a lot of thin.
Alison continues, “She loves everything about him. He gave her unconditional love and if she was going to stick around in Weatherfield for anyone it would be for Roy.”

But not everyone is so delighted to have her back. Her turbulent relationship with Peter almost destroyed her but despite their split there’s always been a lot of love between the pair. So….. it’s hardly surprising that his new partner, Toyah, starts to feel a bit threatened when his glam ex struts back on to the cobbles in her leopard-print finery!
But will Carla really be sticking around for long? What has she been up to since she packed her bags last May? And does she still have feelings for Peter…questions, questions….
“We will see a different side to Carla because of the secret she is keeping”, teases Alison. We’re sure it’s only a matter of time before all will become clear! In the meantime we’re glad to have Ms Connor back on the Street….and can't wait for her first fiery run in with her old sparring partner, Tracey Barlow. Bring it on!
Oooh…of course, there’s never a lack of secrets when people return to Weatherfield. “Carla needs her family and friends more than she ever has before.”
Rest assured, it's only a matter of time before all will become clear. In the meantime we're looking forward to her first fiery spat with her old sparring partner, Tracy Barlow. BRING IT ON!
Don't miss Carla's comeback on Dec 22, ITV, 7.30pm
**Are you pleased to have Carla back and what secret do you think she’s hiding? Let us know on FacebookFacebook or **TwitterTwitter
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