Poor Bethany Platt is dealt another devastating blow in Coronation Street when she hears news about evil Nathan Curtis
Tell us if there was anyone in the UK not cheering and whooping when Bethany Platt FINALLY saw through creepy sexploiter Nathan Curtis and ran away from him at that service station. Sadly, it looks like brave Bethany's ordeal isn't quite over yet. The troubled teenager gets some news about Nathan next week that will leave her shaken up.
Bethany tells her new pal Mary that she is dreading Nathan's court case, but the Platts learn that there actually won't be a court case at all!
The police and crime prosecution service have decided that there isn't enough evidence to press charges against Nathan, which means he'll be free to strike again.
A heartbroken Bethany blames herself for being so gullible in the first place while Mary and Sarah desperately try to figure out how to help her.

Sarah decides that she's going to take the bull by the horns and speak to the 'nice friendly officer' that was so kind before. Yeah, that'll be Neil the rapist. Is Sarah about to make things even worse?
Bethany finally sees Nathan's true colours (credit: ITV/Coronation Street)
What the Platts REALLY need is someone else who's been through what Bethany has. Someone like, maybe, Shona? Give her a call, David.
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