Chas Dingle shares the heartbreaking news about her unborn baby with Paddy Kirk
Chas has been in turmoil since learning that her unborn child has bilateral agenisis, a condition which means both kidneys are absent at birth.
After Paddy and cousin Marlon Dingle throw her a baby shower this week, she finally breaks down and reveals the truth to them.
How will Paddy take the news and do the couple have the strength to get through this tough time together?
Emmerdale spoilers week 24: 11 June - 15 June

Bad week for Doug
Doug Potts feels foolish for being conned by Terry. He feels even worse when Eric Pollard tells him the B&B repairs will cost £25k. Poor Doug.

Doug is arrested
Later, Doug's frustrations take over and he smashes up a nearby police car. He's taken away by police while hearts across the nation break. Don't worry, Doug - we got you.

Debbie gets dumped
Debbie Dingle is floored when Joe Tate breaks up with her.

Bad news for Chas
It's a heartbreaking week for Chas Dingle, who has learnt that her baby has a serious medical condition.

Party time? (or not...)
Chas agrees to let Paddy Kirk and Marlon Dingle throw a baby shower for her.

Brenda's jealous of Laurel...again
Brenda Walker is hurt to hear that Cathy and Heath are off to the cinema with Laurel Thomas.

Jacob Gallagher is impressed when Leanna Cavanagh phones the school and pretends to be David Metcalf, saying Jacob's ill. Leanna encourages Sarah Sugden to joy ride in Joe's car. This won't end well, kids.

Police chase
They panic when the police appear behind them and make a run for it. Leanna, Jacob and Noah Dingle scale a wall and run from the police.

Sarah is caught
A breathless Sarah is caught by the police. Uh oh.

Liv confronts Lachlan
Liv Flaherty senses something odd about Lachlan White's behaviour, but will anyone listen to her suspicions about the burglary?

Dan is worried
Dan Spencer is frustrated that DS Benton has no leads on daughter Amelia's whereabouts.

Things get worse
He's left in bits when Benton suggests things may be more serious than they thought. Ooo errr.

Chas in tears
Chas arrives at her baby shower and bursts into tears in front of Marlon.

Panic in the village
Daz is panicked when DS Benton wants to talk to him at the police station.

Serious times
It soon becomes clear there's a serious development in the case.

Chas confides in Paddy
Chas is choked as she explains to Paddy the devastating news about their baby - who has a condition called bilateral agenesis - and crumples into a very emotional Paddy's arms.

Brenda and Doug find comfort
It's fair to say that Doug an Brenda are down in the dumps and looking for a shoulder to cry on.

More than friends?
But will their friendly behaviour lead to something more...passionate?

Kerry and Dan are brave
DS Benton asks Kerry and Dan to make a televised appeal to help with Amelia's disappearance.

Televised appeal
Will they find little Amelia?
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