Why Tommy Fury won’t propose to Molly-Mae Hague

Their four-year relationship is still going strong – but Molly may have to wait a while longer before they get married

molly-mae tommy fury

by Closer |
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They welcomed their first child together in January. And Love Island's Tommy Fury and Molly-Mae Hague’s love story is going from strength to strength – as the boxer, 24, recently admitted he’s planning to pop the question to his social media star girlfriend, also 24.

“My actual plan was to do it a lot sooner,” Tommy admitted on a special episode of Loose Women earlier this month. “But being a boxer, when you’re in a training camp, you’ve got to completely shut yourself off and just focus on the fight – I can’t be going here, there and everywhere proposing. I’m gonna do it soon guys, honestly, I really am.”

But now insiders reveal that Tommy may wait a little bit longer to propose to Molly-Mae – who he met during the fifth series of Love Island in 2019, where the couple came in second place after winners Amber Gill and Greg O’Shea – as he is keen for their four-month-old daughter, Bambi, to have a sibling before they walk down the aisle.

“Tommy will definitely be popping the question, but he would like another baby before they get married,” a source close to the couple tells Closer.

“It’s something he actually wanted to do a long time ago, but life always seems to get busy and things just get in the way. Tommy also wants it to be really special and the right moment, but there’s no doubt he will propose.”

molly mae tommy fury
the couple are keen to have another ©Getty Images

However, that hasn’t stopped their loved ones – including his heavyweight champion brother Tyson Fury – weighing in on their relationship.

“His friends and family have been giving him earache about it and winding him up,” the insider adds. “They’ve been saying to him, ‘What are you waiting for?’ and, ‘Get a move on!’ But it is all good natured.

“Even once they are engaged there will be no rush to walk down the aisle. In fact, both Tommy and Molly are really keen to add to their family so it’s more likely they will have another baby before tying the knot. Tommy and Molly both want a big family, it’s really important to them both. Bambi will definitely be a bridesmaid.”

And Tommy’s also focused on his career right now.

The source adds, “He knows he won’t have a long boxing career. Even if he achieves everything he wants to, it will probably be over in around 10 years or so, which is why he is working flat out now. He doesn’t go into the ring for himself. He’s fighting and training to provide the future he wants to give to Molly, Bambi and the other children they hope to have in years to come.”

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