We love it when the Love Island stars are booted out of the villa and start exposing all the in house secrets.
The latest victims of a savage Love Island 2023 dumping is French chap Mehdi Edno and Scottish gal Mal Nicol, who were sent packing after receiving the fewest public votes when fans had to pick their favourite girl and guy.
Sad times for them but fabulous times for us as it means we are able to spend some quality time with the former Love Island stars and quiz them about all the chaos of living with a bunch of strangers in a Spanish villa.

On the latest episode of Closer Secrets, Mal and Mehdi were more than happy to open up about their time on the dating show and when asked if they were ever told off by the producers, Mal was quick to throw Mehdi under the bus.
"This guy, this guy," Mal laughed, in reference to Mehdi.
"Twice," he admitted, "Yes I got told off by the producers twice."
And why, pray tell dear Mehdi, were you in such trouble?
"Once because I was speaking with André in codes."
Sorry MI5, we didn't realise a super secret agent had snuck into the Love Island villa.

Mehdi went on to reveal what exactly he meant by 'codes' as he divulged deets of what went on between him and his villa mateAndré Furtado.
"So, I was tapping my mic and speaking Spanish with him."
It's giving 'Nasty' Nick Bateman and the Big Brother drama circa 2000, except Mehdi wasn't trying to manipulate Love Island contestants or pit them off against each other, but you get the idea.

Mehdi didn't reveal what exactly it was him and André were privately chatting about and seeing as the scenes never made it to our telly we can't even translate, dammit.
Petition for ITV to air the super secret Spanish talks between Mehdi and André.