Love Island’s Matilda Draper: her age, job and her link to TOWIE’s Pete Wicks

The Love Island/TOWIE connections just keep coming


by Sarah O'Byrne |
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The latest series of Love Island is shaping up to be one of the best, and it has given us perhaps the most well-connected Islanders yet.

By now the Islanders on Love Island 2024 are no stranger to TOWIE, and Joey Essex’s shock entrance successfully blended our two favourite shows. But it turns out that newbie Matilda Draper has her own TOWIE connection - Pete Wicks. After some top-notch eagle-eyed journalism, we noticed that Pete has liked every single one of Matilda’s Instagram posts since January onwards - and why wouldn’t he, have you seen her?

Here's everything else we could find out about the latest Love Island bombshell.

How old is Matilda Draper?

Matilda is 24 years old, just a cool twelve years younger than her TOWIE admirer Pete.

Matilda Draper
Matilda is the latest Love Island bombshell ©ITV

Where is Matilda Draper from?

Matilda hails from Beckenham in London.

What does Matilda Draper do?

Before she entered the villa, Matilda was a Recruitment Consultant, but after she leaves who knows? Her Instagram does have influencer written all over it.

Why did Matilda Draper go on Love Island?

Matilda told producers, “This year felt right for me, I’ve been single since 2022 and gave myself last year to really focus on finding myself because I was with my ex-partner from the ages of 18-22, which are your formative years…

“The last year has been about having fun and loving myself but now I’m ready to find and love my person.”

Matilda Love Island
Matilda on Love Island ©ITV

What will Matilda Draper bring to the villa?

Before entering the Love Island villa, she told producers, “I want to bring sunshine to the villa, I’m light-hearted and don’t take myself too seriously. If things get too serious in the villa I’m going to throw in a little joke or a ‘would you rather’.

“I’m obsessed with playing ‘would you rather’, I’ve got a list of 80 questions on my phone, it’s the best thing ever, I often think of questions and write them down before I go to bed.”

How would Matilda Draper’s friends and family describe her?

According to Matilda, “A ray of sunshine, they always say it’s hard to be unhappy around me.”

love island's matilda and konnor
matilda and konnor arrived as bombshells together ©ITV

Which boys does Matilda Draper have her eye on in the villa?

Matilda told Love Island producers, “Sean [Stone] seems so kind and has a lovely heart, I think he’s really beautiful too, he’s my number one. Wil is fit but I can’t work him out yet. Joey is also very good looking, but I don’t know if he’s a bit of me.”

Does Matilda Draper have Instagram?

She does, and you can follow her at @matildajdraper.

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Sarah O'Byrne has been writing about Love Island for Closer since May 2023, and she has been watching it since day one so considers herself an expert.

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