Kaz Crossley spills the tea on unaired Love Island fights

Why didn't they make it to the small screen? WHY?

Kaz Crossley Love Island 2018

by Georgina Terry |
Updated on

Love Island 2018 cast member turned All Star Kaz Crossley has opened up about not one, not two, but THREE fights she had on the show that ended up on the cutting room floor.

Why would the producers keep such juicy events from us? We simply cannot fathom it.

Kaz spilled the beans in an Instagram post that seemed mainly designed to get people to buy a new sofa that has now been removed.

"Fun fact," she wrote.

"Me and @lauraanderson1x had three arguments in the villa (on and off screen but they didn’t show it) we hardly spoke in the villa but now I call her one of my best mates 😂 love you and thank you for always being a real one ❤️."

But what could they have fallen out about?

Kaz Crossley Laura Anderson
Kaz and Laura are now the best of chums ©Getty

It couldn't have been Josh Denzel, could it? He turned his attentions away from Georgia 'loyal' Steel in Casa Amor, arriving back with Kaz.

But then Georgia did the terrible dirty on Laura by trying to snog Jack Fowler then denying it. Then Jack did the dirty on Laura with Laura Crane.

She really did have a rum old time, Laura Anderson. And ended up with Paul Knops who turned out to be a rotter too.

Speaking of unaired scenes, Kaz has claimed that the cast had a really not okay way of making sure certain conversations could not be used on the show: by using racist accents.

"You knew what they could show or not - like they couldn't put in a lot of swearing, bad words or if you talked about racist jokes, anything like that", she said.

"So sometimes, and we got into trouble for it, if you talk in an accent and say what you wanted to say then you knew they were never going to show it because they don't want to offend people"

Watch: Paul Knops answers the question Is Love Island fake?

This article first appeared on Closer on 20 August 2020.

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