Love Island’s Demi Jones credits £3.50 toothpaste for her bright white smile

Give us the deats, immediately

Demi Jones Instagram

by Aimee Jakes |
Updated on

Forget the duck pout. Love Island's Demi Jones is forever posing with a cheesy smile and it's no surprise why...

Shiny, white and brighter than our future - Demi has a mega-watt smile that definitely matches her newly-found celeb status.

Simon Cowell, WHO.

But, before you feel disheartened, it's not down to pricey whitening treatments, nor veneers.

Oh, no. The former Love Islander informed her 1.1. million Instagram followers that it's all down to a hard-working toothpaste which costs less than a fiver.

“For everyone who keeps asking how I keep my teeth so white, I’ve never had them whitened!” Demi revealed on Instagram. “But I recommend this toothpaste so much!”

Demi Jones Instagram
©Demi Jones Instagram

Cue: theBeverly Hills Formula Perfect White Gold toothpaste, which is currently on sale here for £3.50.

The whitening formula is infused with ACTUAL gold, which is also known for its anti-inflammatory and blood flow increasing properties.

Bad and boujee, hunneh.

CHECK OUT: Where to buy Beverly Hills Formula Perfect White Gold toothpaste

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Beverly Hills Formula Perfect White Gold

Beverly Hills Formula Perfect White Gold1 of 1
CREDIT: Superdrug

Beverly Hills Formula Perfect White Gold

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Things to do when you're bored at home:

Organise your kitchen cupboards: why not channel your inner Stacey Solomon and put everything in containers? It's oh so satisfying.

Check up on your friends and family: especially those who might be feeling vulnerable at the moment. We're sure your grandparents would love a quick FaceTime.

Give yourself a facial: use that fancy face mask you've been saving for a special occasion.

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