Zayn Malik has made a desperate plea to fans on behalf of his mother’s best friend.
The former One Direction star took to Twitter to ask his followers to donate towards his mum Trisha Malik’s friend Ayesha Daniels’ life saving cancer treatment.
He wrote on the social media site: “This is my mum’s best friend. Please help in any way possible.”
A gofundme page has been set up for Ayesha who has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.
She is attempting to raise £120,000 for treatment that may help her in Istanbul.
At the time of writing she had raised £13,407 over the course of two days.
Ayesha wrote on the fundraising website: “My friend is funding all travel and accommodation costs etc, this means that every penny raised will be spent on treatment only, whether or not your donation is 50p, £1 or £50 every single penny helps, and I am so grateful for this.
“Life is for living and with your help, I intend to do so, alongside my daughter who deserves to have her mummy around for much longer.”

Ayesha was first diagnosed with cancer in September 2015 and doctors told her they were unable to operate.
She had chemotherapy in a bid to shrink the tumours but was put on a clinical trial when the chemo failed.
Unfortunately, she had to be taken off the trial due to the negative side effects of the trial.
She added online: “I was actually knocking on heaven’s door twice, luckily nobody answered.”
If you would like to donate, you can find Ayesha’s gofundme page by clicking here.
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