Spencer Pratt has revealed he FAINTED during Heidi Montag's first ultrasound scan!
Spencer Pratt and his wife Heidi Montag have excitedly shared videos from their second ultrasound scan yesterday.
The happy couple shared videos of the scan on their social media pages of the scan, as Heidi is now five months pregnant with the couple's first child - a boy.
But Spencer revealed that at the couple's first ultrasound a couple of months ago, he actually FAINTED.
Come on Spence, pull yourself together!

In an interview with askmen.com, Spencer offered advice to dads-to-be - and inadvertently revealed he'd fainted at the first scan: "Definitely when you go to the ultrasound appointment, don't be standing.
"I recommend sitting or lying down because there's a good chance you will faint. I've fainted twice now. So yeah, I would say don't think you're just going to be standing looking at the image like you're just watching Netflix."

...He's got such a way with words, hasn't he?!
He also added that Heidi was a bit concerned about him even being at the birth: "Heidi is even a little nervous about me being in there after me fainting a couple of times, but if anything I'll probably be sitting in a wheelchair."

But by the looks of his Instagram Story from yesterday, he managed to keep it together this time!
Spencer shared their entire day, including footage from the ultrasound (Credit: Instagram/ Spencer Pratt)
The couple, who appeared on [Celebrity Big Brother] together earlier this year, are expecting their little bundle of joy on 19 October.
Are you or a loved one expecting a baby at the same time as Speidi? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.
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