Sam Faiers reveals why she was SO SHOCKED when she fell pregnant with Rosie

Sam Faiers

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Updated on

Sam Faiers admitted she was surprised when she fell pregnant with Rosie

Sam and Billie Faiers: The Mummy Diaries debuted on TV this week and while fans are obsessed with the show, Sam made a surprising confession - she thought breastfeeding was a form of contraception.

The 27-year-old star who is already a mum to two-year-old baby Paul, welcomed her beautiful baby girl Rosie into the world last year. However, the reality star has admitted that falling pregnant with her second child was a bit of a surprise.

Check out: Sam Faiers' cutest mummy moments with baby Paul and Rosie


Sam Faiers' CUTEST mum moments on Instagram - slider

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Sam Faiers family

She admitted to the camera alongside her partner Paul Knightley: "[Having Rosie] was a surprise.

"I didn't think that I could fall pregnant while breastfeeding and then it just happened."

Sam Faiers Paul Knightley

This isn't the first time Sam has admitted her second pregnancy was a shock, she previously told OK! magazine: "I honestly didn't think you could, [breastfeeding] is a natural form of contraception – they say.

"But at that point of feeding Baby Paul, it was really for comfort, I don't think I had a lot of milk – it was more just for comfort."

She added: "So yeah, obviously I fell pregnant and I was completely surprised."

Sam Faiers family photo
©Instagram / samanthafaiers

Despite her confession, it seems that only a couple of fans picked up on it. One person commented: "🙈🙈 even I know that you can get pregnant whilst breastfeeding.... love watching you all tho xx"

Another tweeted: "'I didn't think I could get pregnant whilst breast feeding'... are you serious @SamanthaFaiers 😂😂 #MummyDiaries"

However according to the NHS many woman use breastfeeding as a form of contraception because "you're unlikely to have any periods if you breastfeed exclusively (give your baby breast milk only) and your baby is under six months old."

Sam Faiers
Sam Faiers has even breastfed baby Paul on This Morning ©ITV

This form of natural contraception is also known as the lactational amenorrhoea method, or LAM. The NHS also advise that you use another form of contraception if your baby is older than six months old, you give them anything else other than breast milk or your periods start again.

What did you think of Sam's confession? Did you think breastfeeding was a form of contraception? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

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