Peter Crouch and Abbey Clancy’s secret sex fallout

A source reveals that miracles have been worked in more than just the bedroom

peter crouch and abbey clancy

by Closer staff |
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Couples don’t come much more loved-up than Peter Crouch and Abbey Clancy – with the pair recently revealing that Abbey’s “special pill” has reignited their spark.

Speaking on their TheTherapy Crouch podcast, Abbey, 38, admitted to “fighting battles” with her libido. The star revealed she had been taking an “all-natural herbal supplement”, branded the “female Viagra”, to put the spark back into her relationship with former footballer Pete, 43.

abbey clancy and peter crouch
they tied the knot in 2011 ©James Gourley/Shutterstock

Now a source reveals that miracles have been worked in more than just the bedroom. They say, “Abbey thanks her ‘special pill’ for reigniting her sex life with Pete, but she says it’s done so much more than that. It’s no secret that they’ve had their struggles, but they’ve never been stronger.

“They always did everything for the kids,” adds the source. “And while they’re still their top priority, there was no romance left. Not only did Abbey start taking this pill, they started making more of an effort – going on date nights and not taking each other for granted. Abbey used to joke that Pete didn’t flirt with her enough, so now he’s full of compliments. They also talk things through more when they have issues or upsets.”

Abbey and Pete tied the knot in June 2011, and share children Sophia, 13, Liberty, nine, Johnny, six, and Jack, four.

Revealing that the pair are balancing family life with spending time together, the source adds, “They recently had a child-free holiday that did them the world of good, and now they’re enjoying the summer in Portugal with the kids. They’ll make sure they have some time for date nights on holiday, as Abbey’s mum and sister are joining them.

“Abbey doesn’t want them to fall back into old habits once they’re home, so she’ll be setting more rules for them as a couple. They’re more than back on track now.”

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