Speaking on Baby.co.uk, Natasha Hamilton wrote: "As some of you may know, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Ella three weeks ago. My fourth child but first girl, and I can’t tell you how over the moon we all are to have our healthy, thriving and very hungry little girl/sister here at last."
Speaking about having baby Ella at home - a situation that was improved thanks to regular hypnobirth classes - Natasha shared two adorable pictures of her little girl, who was born a delicate 7lb 6oz.
She also revealed that, despite struggling with reflux when she tried to breastfeed with youngest son Alfie, it has been a dream come true this time.
The Atomic Kitten said: "This time round it’s like a dream come true. No stumbling blocks, no reflux, fantastic support from my midwife’s who I can call on if I feel lost, confused or at my wits end from marathon cluster feeds that span the whole night!
[NATASHA HAMILTON SHARES POST-NATAL DEPRESSION FEARS](https://closeronline.co.uk/celebrity/news/natasha-hamilton-shares-post-natal-depression-fears-think-ll-forever/#.U_HGbajCmJc " Natasha Hamilton shares post-natal depression fears: "I think it’ll be there forever"")
"To finally have that feeding experience I’d longed for and heard so many fantastic stories about is just fab."

She added: "Rich is about to go off on tour so I guess the true test begins for me. To get the two younger boys ready for school, get morning feeding done, breakfasts eaten, Alfie dressed and washed, as well as myself, then walk to school and not be late.
"I think I’ll be calling in a few favours from some of the school mums when I’ve got the baby stuck to the breast and multi-tasking one-handed to get the kids out the door while I’m still in my pjs with a bun hanging off the side of my head!"
Ritchie Neville added that he is also not looking forward to going on tour and leaving his two girls behind, writing: "Leaving her and my precious newborn daughter this morning was truly hard in a way words could never do justice.
"My instincts are telling me to keep her in a protective bubble, especially while she is so little and helpless. This is not to mention that Natasha is doing the noble job of breastfeeding every few hours and for the first time in my life I’m officially needed at home on so many levels, and yet here I sit on a train travelling away from them.
"It just feels counter intuitive, but must be done."
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