Real Housewives of Cheshire’s Leanne Brown to ‘tell all’ on rival Dawn Ward

Leanne Brown

by Marianna Manson |
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Fans of the Real Housewives of Cheshire will soon be treated to a whole new perspective on the reality show, as former Housewife Leanne Brown is set to release a tell-all memoir

She left the show in January after an ongoing feud with fellow star Dawn Ward, saying at the time, “The fued is still ongoing. It was very upsetting – and still is now.

“Our friendship has gone down the pan. I won't ever speak to Dawn again. I don't trust her and, when someone has hurt you that deep, there is no going back."

And now, the mum-of-three has promised to let fans in on exactly what went down between them, with a new book reportedly called GRIT.

Leanne Brown and Dawn Ward
Dawn's been locked in a dispute over money with her former friend Leanne ©REX/Shutterstock

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“She’ll be telling fans what went on off camera and what the fallout from her rows with Dawn were – it’s going to be really shocking, but Leanne just wants her side of things out there now,” a source told The Sun.

“She’ll also talk about why she left the show and even claims that scenes on the show are fake and producers tell them what to say.

"She’ll be settling old scores with anyone she had a row with on the show,” they added. “All the Housewives should be nervous.”

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However, despite the bad blood between Leanne and housewife, the source insists fights on set aren’t the only reason Leanne moved on to pastures new.

“Leanne feels she’s done her time on the show and has had enough. She’s now off to do a bit of philanthropy which she feels is a lot more worthwhile. It’s what she’s been passionate about and the show was a bit of a sideline really. She’ll obviously be sorely missed as she’s a big character, but I doubt the feeling’s mutual.”

Leanne married former Manchester United footballer Wes Brown in 2009, after moving to the area to work as a beautician. She was cast on the Real Housewives of Cheshire in 2015, along with other WAGS and socialites.

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