Katie Price questioned by police after breaking driving-ban

Katie Price breaks driving ban

by Hollie Richardson |
Updated on

The Loose Women panellist reported herself for the incident

Katie Price's infamous hot-pink 4x4 was spotted being carted off by an AA recovery truck earlier this week, days after she was caught behind the wheel breaking her driving-ban.

Katie still has two weeks of the ban left to serve since she was caught speeding in February.

But The Sun on Sunday reported that she was taken in for a police interview after driving from the airport with her two youngest kids, Jett and Bunny Hayler, in the back seats last week.

Katie Price

And now 40-year-old Katie Price is reportedly being brought back to the police station for further questioning about continuing to drive under the ban.

A source told The Sun: “The police spoke to Kate on Monday about it — it certainly doesn’t look as though this issue has just gone away for her.

“And they’ve made it clear they will be speaking to her again soon at the station. It’s all looking very serious for her."

GALLERY: Katie Price's surgery timeline


Katie Price's plastic surgery timeline

Katie Price: 1995 - aged 161 of 40

Katie Price: 1995 - aged 16

Katie Price: 1995 - aged 162 of 40

Katie Price: 1995 - aged 16

Katie Price: 12th February 19993 of 40

Katie Price: 12th February 1999

Katie Price: 1999 - aged 194 of 40

Katie Price: 1999 - aged 19

Katie Price: 2001 - aged 215 of 40

Katie Price: 2001 - aged 21

Katie Price: 31st May 20016 of 40

Katie Price: 31st May 2001

Katie Price: 1st September 20037 of 40

Katie Price: 1st September 2003

January 2004 - I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!8 of 40

January 2004 - I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

Katie Price: 1st April 20049 of 40

Katie Price: 1st April 2004

Katie Price: 25th August 200410 of 40

Katie Price: 25th August 2004

Katie Price: 16th September 200411 of 40

Katie Price: 16th September 2004

Katie Price: 13th January 200512 of 40

Katie Price: 13th January 2005

Katie Price: 24th May 200513 of 40

Katie Price: 24th May 2005

Katie Price: 23rd August 200514 of 40

Katie Price: 23rd August 2005

Katie Price: 29th January 200615 of 40

Katie Price: 29th January 2006

Katie Price: 5th July 200616 of 40

Katie Price: 5th July 2006

Katie Price: 31st October 200617 of 40

Katie Price: 31st October 2006

Katie Price: 12th November 200618 of 40

Katie Price: 12th November 2006

Katie Price: 12th November 200619 of 40

Katie Price: 12th November 2006

Katie Price: 13th November 200620 of 40

Katie Price: 13th November 2006

Katie Price: 27th November 200621 of 40

Katie Price: 27th November 2006

Katie Price: 24th January 200722 of 40

Katie Price: 24th January 2007

Katie Price: 11th April 200723 of 40

Katie Price: 11th April 2007

Katie Price: 8th June 200724 of 40

Katie Price: 8th June 2007

Katie Price: 20th August 200725 of 40

Katie Price: 20th August 2007

Katie Price: 12th February 200826 of 40

Katie Price: 12th February 2008

Katie Price: 5th March 200827 of 40

Katie Price: 5th March 2008

Katie Price: 3rd April 200828 of 40

Katie Price: 3rd April 2008

Katie Price: 17thApril 200829 of 40

Katie Price: 17thApril 2008

Katie Price: 17th July 200830 of 40

Katie Price: 17th July 2008

Katie Price: 17th July 200831 of 40

Katie Price: 17th July 2008

Katie Price: 4th August 200832 of 40

Katie Price: 4th August 2008

Katie Price: 30th September 200833 of 40

Katie Price: 30th September 2008

Katie Price: 10th October 200834 of 40

Katie Price: 10th October 2008

Katie Price: 15th November 200835 of 40

Katie Price: 15th November 2008

Katie Price: 20th November 200836 of 40

Katie Price: 20th November 2008

Katie Price: 18th February 200937 of 40

Katie Price: 18th February 2009

Katie Price: 14th April 200938 of 40

Katie Price: 14th April 2009

Katie Price: 3rd September 200939 of 40

Katie Price: 3rd September 2009

Katie Price: 21st October 200940 of 40

Katie Price: 21st October 2009

Mum-of-five Katie took to Instagram to explain the situation.

She said: "Been on such an emotional rollercoaster the last 6 months and my head has been all over the place, so much so, that I thought my driving ban was up.

‘After driving to Harvey’s Hospital appointment I have NOW found out that I don’t get my license back until 8th August.

‘With this on my conscience I called the police and reported myself.’ I’ve come such a long way and just want easy life now. I have got out of a hole and am finally happy and looking forward to being my old independent self."

A spokeswoman for Sussex Police confirmed: “A woman, who was reported for driving while disqualified, has spoken to police and will attend a police station for interview on an arranged date.”

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Junior Andre Princess Andre

This isn't the first time Katie has been in hot water over her driving. She stood trial for a driving incident back in 2015. We're not sure how this is going to go down with ex husband Peter Andre, who has already banned Katie from seeing their kids, Junior and Princess, due to her partying lifestyle.

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