Fans were horrified when the ubiquitous Ms Katie Price uploaded a bizarre video of an extreme beauty treatment which showed her head BLEEDING. (Or the aftermath of a messy bacon sarnie. This is Celebville. Anything is possible.)

In a video uploaded to the star's Instagram page, Katie asks someone named 'Maria' what the treatment is called. Maria then replies, 'It’s microneedling.'
We thought getting our hair AND nails done in one afternoon was extreme.
'Microneedling'for those who aren't fluent in plastic surgery, is used to rejuvenate skin and banish stretch marks/acne scars.

Katie then uploaded a single snap of her bloody forehead and captioned it, 'That's done feels like I have sunburn I'll see what it's like tomorrow but so far so good [sic]'.
So far, so good? Pricey hun, your head is literally bleeding.
Of course the ex-glamour model turned Loose Woman person isn't a stranger to plastic surgery who had ELEVEN boob jobs in 2016 alone.
Maybe a bloody head is a nice change from the normal Instagram pictures which make us feel a) jealous b) ugly or c) poor?