Katie Piper's three-year-old daughter Belle has started asking questions about her scars
Inspirational model Katie Piper was the victim of a horrific attack nine years ago, which left her with multiple long-lasting injuries such as facial and body scars and tubes in her nose to help her breathe.
However, she has turned the awful event into a positive, creating The Katie Piper Foundation to help people who have been left with life-changing scars.
And - of course - she has beautiful three-year-old daughter Belle with husband Richard Sutton.

It was only a matter of time before Belle started to become curious about her mum's scars, but Katie has revealed she already started asking, admitting she is surprised it has come "so early".
Speaking to The Sun's Fabulous magazine, she said: "She asks about the scars and I explain, 'Mummy got burnt.'
"She's recently started asking about it, which I thought was so early."

Brave Katie, 33, doesn't shut Belle out when it comes to her routine operations that she still needs to have almost a decade after the attack.
She explained: "Sometimes she'll ask if it hurts and I tell her it used to, but not any more. When I go into hospital for operations on my nose she'll come with me, and she has her own little doctor's kit.
"She'll say things like, 'Your tubes are so cool!' She thinks they are similar to jewellery and she'll ask where her tubes are."

Katie and husband Richard have not hidden Katie's past from Belle, and she described how there are pictures of her in bandages and a facial mask on around the house. She said: "We're very open about things, so it won't be one big reveal one day.
"She's aware of everything that's going on, and we tell her what she wants to know when she asks."
The Confidence: The Secret author said that time has not healed all wounds: "I still hate talking about it."
Describing how people still look at her scars, she said: "It makes it hard for me to feel like it was that long ago because I'm constantly reminded of it."

But Katie said that her attack had made her so grateful for her family, and how she never thought she would be able to have children. She said: "I didn't think I would ever be able to have children because of what my body had already been through - moments with Belle weren't even a pipe dream for me when I was recovering."
And Katie also revealed that her and Richard MAY have more children in the future.
She said: "At first, I felt one child would be enough, but Richard and I both have brothers and sisters, so it would be nice to have one more.
"I'd be open to fostering or adoption – who knows what the future holds?"
We wish you all the best, Katie!
Have you ever had to explain something difficult to a small child? How did you do it? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.
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