The controversial commentator took to Twitter to share her recent experience shopping in the famous, value retailer.
She wrote: “I just walked down the street with a Primark bag. Haven't felt this dirty since the time I woke up next to one of my best mates dads.”
Though we’re unsure about the validity of the claim made by Ms Hopkins regarding her alleged dalliance with a friend’s parental, her message implies that buying items from Primark turned her stomach slightly…
The 39-year-old then went on to convey her disdain for some of Primark’s customers.

Katie typed: “Tried holding my breath all the way into Primark and through to the checkout. Nearly passed out under a fat woman with hygiene issues.”
Since most people who have had to tackle the hoards of shoppers in Primark can empathise, it took another tweet for Katie to truly outrage her followers.
She said: “A tracksuit bottom in a town centre is a cast iron guarantee that the body beneath hasn't seen running water in a few days / weeks.”
Katie finished off her rant with: “Primarni? I'd rather go to sodding Asdior.”
Something tells us we won’t be bumping into Katie Hopkins in our local Primark any time soon!