Jacqueline Jossahas defended Sam Faiers on Instagram after the Mummy Diaries star posted a picture of herself breastfeeding, which was taken by her sister Billie.
Sam posted the snap of her sitting at the kitchen table, breastfeeding son Paul in a natural pose, and used the caption: "Love my family missed my sister and nelly soo much. #madhouse #family #love #feedingtime xxx."

But some commenters were critical of the picture, saying she was just posting these pictures to get attention. One follower wrote ‘So weird to post this on social media’ and others called her names like 'trollop' and said they were disappointed in her.
However, overnight lots of mums came into the discussion saying Sam is doing a great job normalising what many women see as a natural part of being a mum: ‘It seems Sam can never win – on ITV This Morning when she covered baby Paul’s head while breastfeeding she was shamed, and now she’s feeding him uncovered she’s shamed!’ one commenter pointed out.

Jacqueline Jossa also added her support for Sam - as a mum herself she would understand some of the challenges Sam is going through – she has a little girl Ella with Dan Osborne.
Jacqueline told people who didn't like seeing pictures like this to just unfollow: "I don't understand why you people follow her if you don't want to see her breastfeeding - she's very open and you must know she posts whatever she wants. If it makes you uncomfortable just unfollow, don't write stupid comments….. I follow because her pictures are beautiful and so is breastfeeding, shouldn't be a big issue, it's all natural."
2peasinan_essexpod added: Being a mum is tough enough at times. And breastfeeding, if it works for you and your baby, is wonderful. We're all part of the same#girlgang So instead shouldn't we have more #mumssupportingothermums instead.
What do you think? Is it appropriate to post these breastfeeding pictures of family life online? Let us know over at Facebook or Twitter.
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