Closer’s columnist Nicola Mclean fights back: ‘Jasmine Lennard looks like she needs a good wash’

An absolute b**ch who I have fallen out with privately in the past and had already blocked from my twitter account felt the need to start tweeting nasty things about me, my birthday party, my kids and my marriage split.


by Jessica Anais Rach |
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Believe it or not, I had promised myself that I would stop having Twitter rows, I don’t know why I let myself get involved but sometimes something annoys me so much I just can’t help myself, it’s a split second response and then I can’t take it back!

This particular person seemed very concerned with my outfit, which she thought I was too old for and said that I have 5 kids (when everyone knows I have two).

She also was concerned that I wasn't at home reading my boys a bed time story.

She should concentrate on her own parenting

I don’t really want to name her as i know she only did it to get press, but unfortunately I couldn’t stop myself from responding to her with just one tweet, so for those who don’t already know, I'm talking about Jasmine Lennard.

So, since when did she become the fashion police? Has anyone seen how she dresses?

She looks like she needs a good wash and a good meal. I was a very angry person when I didn’t eat too, so I feel a little sorry for her that she spends so much of her time feeling like that!

Me with Rocky and Striker
Me with Rocky and Striker

Secondly, my boys are my world, I'm with them all of the time but I do enjoy a night out now and again, sometimes those nights out are for fun and sometimes they are for work. Is that being a bad Mum?

I think that she should concentrate on her own parenting as mine is spot on and if I want to get glammed up for a night out then I will.

On a happier note, I turned 33 last Thursday and had a lovely meal with my boys and family in the evening.

My sister surprised me with tickets to see Ed Sheeran as a Birthday present so we’re going to watch him this Monday and I can't wait!

My boys got me some lovely cards and a ‘Frozen' cake and I was very lucky to be sent some gorgeous Alexis Smith lingerie and some Sleep in Rollers, so I put them both to good use with a glass of fizz whist I got ready to party on Friday.

Getting ready for my birthday party last week!

I held my Birthday partyat Sugar Hut in Essex, my friend Mickey Norcoss really looked after all of us and it was an amazing night. Lots of my friends came along and amongst them were Aisleyne, Maria Fowler and Kirk Norcross.

The Dreamboys even made an appearance to give me a cake that my friend at Heavenly Tiers had surprised me with, all of the girls loved me for that and the girls in Sugar Hut were queuing up for selfies with the two Dreamboys!

I spent all of Saturday day time with my boys, we went to the cinema to see The Boxtrolls and then Saturday night the boys went for a sleepover with their cousins as I was booked to do a club PA at Cafe de Paris in London.

I honestly don't know how I managed it, I'm getting to old for two nights out in a row, Aisleyne came with me and she’s always the life and soul of the party!

The Dreamboys caused quite a stir at my party

I wore out a black lace bralet and striped skater skirt from Pink Boutique which everyone seemed to like. I had a fab night which ended with me and Aislyene going to Chinese restaurant in Soho. It somehow ended up in a food fight, which I ducked out of because I’m too much of a geek to throw food and I didn’t want chow mein in my hair!!

So after a busy weekend, I have spent most afternoons this week taking my sons to the park after school, I bought them both new bikes for being so good at school and now they have become keen cyclists. I love watching them enjoying themselves and racing about together on their bikes.

I think it’s ridiculous that people are trying to say Dan Osborne is up to anything in Ibiza, just because he tweeted a picture of himself and some female cast members.

Dan and Jacqueline

First of all, he absolutely adores Jacqueline Jossa, I spoke to them a few weeks ago at the Dreamboys press night, they are the cutest couple and he absolutely dotes on her.

Secondly, Jacqueline is secure in their relationship and clearly as an actress who has to work with other men on Eastenders, she understands that cast members are friends and do hang around together behind the scenes.

I also know Georgina and Danielle from TOWIE and they are lovely girls, they wouldn’t be chasing after someone else’s man. Casey Batchelor isn’t TOWIE cast,but she’s just on holiday in Ibiza at the same time and obviously knows the girls so that’s the only reason she’s appeared in a few of their pictures. I really can’t wait for Jacqueline and Dan’s baby to be born, they are both gorgeous so the baby will be unbelievably cute.

Jacqueline is secure in their relationship

This week I spoke out about self harming. It was something I used to do as a child and it resurfaced for a short period of time again recently. I agreed to talk about my experiences to help raise awareness of it being an issue amongst women and to support a group called Self Esteem Team who are doing fantastic work helping other women with their self esteem issues. If you need help and advice then contact them @_SelfEsteemTeam All 3 of the ladies who run it have had their own self esteem issues and can relate to the problems of others, talking always helps.

Work has been exciting I’m in talks go do a photoshoot that has been a dream of mine for years and I’ve also been approached about a couple of TV shows, my fingers are crossed and I will keep you posted. I've launched 3 new colours and designs to my popular onesie range, I did the photo shoot for them this week and you can check them here. Last Autumn and Winter I spent all of the cold nights and mornings in mine and it will be the same this year.

All in all I've had a great week and can't wait to fill you in with more next Friday x

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