The Strictly Curse claims two more victims...
We've all been there - you get drunk at the Christmas party, end up snogging your colleague and are forced to endure awkward run-ins with said colleague every day for the rest of eternity... or until one of you quits your job.
But imagine it happening while you're working on a national TV show and the details being revealed on Twitter for the entire country to read.
HORRIFIC, right?
GALLERY: Most memorable Strictly Come Dancing moments EVER!
Most memorable Strictly Come Dancing moments EVER! SLIDER

1. Ann Widdecombe as Big Bird

2. Bruce Forsyth shooing McFly off the dancefloor after Harry Judd won in 2011

3. Gavin Henson snogging Bruno Tonioli

4. Mark Ramprakash getting tangled up with his partner Karen Hardy

5. Russell Grant emerging from a seashell

6. Nancy Dell'Olio's terrible Halloween performance

7. Quentin Wilson gets the lowest score ever. Erm, 8 out of 40...

9. Ann Widdecombe's Paso Doble

10. John Sergeant's wasn't much better, mind you...

11. Bruce Forsyth and Anton du Beck join forces

Russell Grant gets shot out of a cannon

12. Ed Balls' EPIC Gangnam Style routine

13. Susan Calman totally killing it as Wonder Woman
That's what has happened for two mystery Strictly Come Dancing stars, who are said to have enjoyed a one-night stand after a few too many bevvies on Saturday night.
While at first their identities were kept private, Twitter users have now revealed who they are, leaving them understandably mortified. AWKSSSS!
A source told the Daily Star Sunday: "This is the last thing the two of them wanted. Once something is on Twitter it is very difficult to control."
READ: Strictly Come Dancing: The biggest scandals in the dancing world

The pair are said to have got together after filming one Saturday night and tried their very hardest to keep their steamy night of passion under wraps from their colleagues when they arrived at rehearsals the next day.
But lo and behold, they couldn't keep it under their hats and after letting on to some of their nearest and dearest, Strictly staff found out.
The source finished, "To have their identities leaked online is a complete nightmare. It started as a bit of flirting and suddenly they’re the latest in a long line of romances on the show."
Do you believe in The Strictly Curse? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.
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