This is an Art Attack. And this is an Art Attack.
This is… Art Attack!
If you were a 90s kid, you were basically guaranteed to have grown up watching Neil Buchanan make INCREDIBLE arts and crafts on the hit television show.
Dressed in a cuddly red sweater, with his hair tousled into boyish curls, he was the EPITOME of wholesomeness and sweetness.
And he always left our minds boggling when he transformed, say, a Fairy Liquid bottle into a rocket ship.
Or, you know, a crocodile out of rubbishy bits ’n’ bobs your mum was planning on throwing out.
Or literally ANY of his awesome Big Art Attacks.
Remember this one, for example?
Well, this week marks the 26th anniversary of the classic show - which has, naturally, left us feeling ancient.
A feeling which was amplified when we decided to check up on Neil Buchanan and see what he's doing nowadays.
Are you ready for this?
He’s a legitimate rock star now.
Nowadays - in keeping with his role as Marseille’s guitarist - Neil prefers leather vests to red sweaters, not to mention plenty of rock’n’roll accessories and CRAZY messy hair.
Do you need a closer look at him?
Here we go:

This just might be THE most shocking of all the shocking celeb transformations so far.
In fact, we may go so far as to say that his new look almost gave us an ‘Art Attack.
See what we did? You’re welcome.
Are you surprised by Art Attack star Neil Buchanan’s transformation?
Let us know via Facebook or Twitter (@CloserOnline) now.
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