Ten frightfully spooky makeup tutorials for Halloween

From beginner Halloween makeup, to 3D lips and exposed bones...

Halloween 2022 makeup tutorials

by Ben Pulsford |
Updated on

Let's be real for a minute: in a world of Instagram, Drag Race and Heidi Klum, Halloween has elevated over the years. Long gone are the days you can just chuck a bed sheet over yourself and call yourself a ghost for a couple of hours down the pub. If you're looking to wow with a look during spooky season nowadays – and you don't have access to Kardashian-esque glam squad – you need to at least make sure your costume is original and on point, and your makeup, fierce and striking.

We're exhausted thinking about it, frankly. Sign us up for a night in with the heating on and a seventh re-watch of Hocus Pocus 2.

But don't fret, if you've already committed to plans (and in turn that inevitable pre-night out Instagram shot that goes with it), then here's some Halloween make-up tutorials to ensure you slay them all dead.

Ten frightfully spooky makeup tutorials for Halloween

Last-minute easy Halloween makeup looks by Stephanie Toms

Beginner Halloween makeup looks by Hannah Renée

IT Pennywise Glam Halloween Drag Makeup by StyledbyEsther

Halloween Skull Makeup For Dark Skin by Destiny Matuet

Sugar Skull Makeup by Mum's Eye View

Hooked Mermaid Makeup by BeeisforBeeauty

Creepy Clown Makeup by NikkieTutorials

3D Stretched Lips by Goldiestarling

Hacked Hand With Exposed Bone by Bianca Jay Makeup

Vampy Glam Halloween Makeup by Glam&Gore

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