How I stay fit with… Krissy Cela

The fitness entrepreneur talks morning routines, collagen coffee and the surprising thing she always packs in her gym bag...

Krissy cela

by Aimee Jakes |
Updated on

Keeping fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a surefire way to feel your best, but how do the celeb lot do it? Is it a fancy juice plan? A PT to the stars? Sauteed kale that's been whipped up by a personal chef? Or do they have plenty of wellness tips that the rest of us could steal to help us on our own wellbeing journey? Believe it or not, it's often the latter. We speak to celebrities and influencers to find out exactly how they stay fit, look after themselves inside and out and ultimately feel great.

This week it's all about Krissy Cela, the co-founder and CEO of fitness app, Tone and Sculptand gym wear brand, Oner Active.The 27-year-old has a combined social media following of over two million people, thanks to her frank fitness know-how, delicious recipes and her inspiring, yet refreshingly relatable vlogs.

Krissy has just released her second book, Happy Healthy Strong: The secret to staying fit for lifewhich is full of tried-and-tested advice perfect for beginners starting out on their fitness journey.

In an exclusive interview with Closer Online, Krissy chats about all things collagen, bedtimes and why you shouldn't rely on motivation to stay fit...

What made you decide to start your fitness journey?

Krissy Cela

Originally it was because I got cheated on. So I felt like pretty much nobody wanted me and I just wanted to completely transform myself and who I am. So it was never a physical aspiration, it was more like I was mentally not coping well. So I use the gym as a form of escape, which helped me so much. That's why I have such a big passion to tell people, to not just have a physical aspiration because it will die down. Don't just rely on motivation, but have a true reason as to why you're even starting this.

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What does your current workout plan look like?

Right now, I'm still training in the gym, so for me, I'm doing the Strong program on the Tone and Sculpt app. Each week, I do a glute and hamstring workout, quads and calves and then I'll do two upper-body sessions, so I technically train four days a week. I just find that suited me and is enough because I can't maintain training six days a week, it's just too much for my schedule.

What’s your morning routine for a productive day?

Krissy Cela

I tend to wake up at around half five or six. The reason I wake up so early, it sounds ridiculous, but it helps me do everything I need to do for myself before I can give myself to everybody else. I have this concept where it's all fair and well doing things for the people we love, but if we're not taking some time out for ourselves, to check in or be productive, we'll constantly feel bottom of the list.

So I wake up, half five or six o'clock. The first thing I do is brush my teeth and get ready for the gym. Don't think twice, I just put my workout gear on. Then I'll drink my coffee or have my pre-workout. I'm either working out in my little home gym or I am going to the gym and I'll train for one hour, tops.

Then I'll shower and get ready, then the one thing I love to do is read on the train. I love taking this time just to read because I know when I'll get to the office, it'll be insane. Taking the time to be productive and get my mental state ready is crucial.

At the moment I'm reading The Chimp Paradox and on an evening, I'm reading this book called Calm The F**k Down by Sarah Knight. I'm always reading two books at once!

Congrats on your new book, Happy, Healthy, Strong: The Secret to Staying Fit for Life. Can you tell us more about who it's for?

This book is perfect for beginners, it's one of those books that will really help you kickstart your journey. It's full of recipes and lots of helpful advice. My first book Do This For You is more of a book you can pick up anytime and this one is perfect for beginners starting out.

Happy Healthy Strong: The secret to staying fit for life by Krissy Cela
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What are your daily wellness habits?

Krissy Cela

Firstly, moving my body is a big big thing. I have to always move my body. Number two is that I don't like to leave the office until everything is done. The reason is that I was getting in a real bad habit of taking work home with me and then I would neglect the relationships of people around me. Now, if I don't have things done, I either add them to my list tomorrow or I don't leave till I get them done, because then you're wasting time and precious moments with people. Investing time in relationships is huge and I don't think we do it enough.

Do you take any supplements or vitamins?

So for me, every single day I have protein shakes [Krissy has her own range with Women's Best], it's just convenient. It's a great way for me to up my protein intake, but it's something I don't rely on. Food is key. Protein shakes are a step up from what you already have, so if you don't have a healthy diet or consistent training routine, then you can't expect it to do what it's supposed to do.

I also love pre-workout, because I'm a caffeine addict. I always take probiotic pills which helps my digestion and hormones. I have also started using collagen in my coffee now, it really helps me kickstart my day.

What are your gym bag must-haves?

Sweets! I always have sweets in my gym bag. Just because when you're lifting heavy, you're depleting your muscles, your lactic acid is building up and you need a sugar rush. It really does help, so a bag of sugary sweets, always.

I also pack my lifting straps, my headphones, water, always, always, always, always, I know sounds really crazy, but I always pack a spare t-shirt and underwear, because you just never know. Also, I always pack pre-workout just in case I don't take it at home.

How do you stay motivated for the gym?

I don't really rely on motivation anymore. I think motivation is one of those things that you can get really heartbroken by, because you expect to always have this huge drive to keep on going. Really and truly, your focus should be to just get up, put your shoes on. If you can put your shoes on, you can grab a gym bag. If you can grab a gym bag, you can drive to the gym. It's one step forward each and every single time. Because the minute you start just heavily relying on this thing called motivation, the minute you don't have it, you're going to feel like something's wrong with you. So you need to start building those habits, that consistency. In order for you to even have a sustainable life.

What's your favourite way to switch off after a long week?

I just want to spend some time with the people I love and just be with them Not thinking about work or any stresses and go for a walk with Buttons and be with my boyfriend Brett or see my family.

Quickfire round:

Go-to gym wear brand? It has to be Oner Active.

Favourite healthy snack? I really like yoghurt and fruit.

Usual bedtime routine? Around 11 pm.

Something that’s always in your fridge? Veggies.

Quote you live by? Do this for you!

Happy Healthy Strong: The secret to staying fit for life by Krissy Cela is published by Aster (£16.99)

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