Stacey Solomon set to reveal her DIY secrets – here’s all the info

'It's been my baby for the last year'


by Aimee Jakes |
Updated on

Loose Women and Instagram ICON Stacey Solomon has just announced the release of a book titled Tap To Tidy at Pickle Cottage and we are beyond excited.

She announced the news on Instagram in an emotional post including a lengthy caption where she detailed the renovation of Pickle Cottage and the announced the release of her new book.

She wrote, "Definitely don’t tell myself often enough, how proud I am of all of the love and hard work I’ve put into Pickle Cottage. Not a day has gone by for the last year I haven’t worked my little bum off doing whatever I could to make this special house our home 😭

"Watching all of these videos back I’ve never felt so empowered - this whole process has made me feel like I can do anything 🥹. I am so grateful that we had this chance and I’ll never take it for granted. All I ever wanted to do is pour love into our home and bring it back to life.

"We aren’t fully finished yet, these things take time and hard work but I’m so so proud of how far it’s come along. I’ve loved every single second of it. Cheesy as it sounds I’ve learned so much along the way and things I wished I’d know before I started, but most importantly doing as much as I could myself has given me the most strong sense of self & made me feel like I can achieve anything I put my mind to.

"SO I’ve documented EVERYTHING. Written every little moment down and all of the things I’ve learned so far so that I can share those feelings 🖤 For anyone who has ever not felt confident enough to go for it themselves, to anyone who doesn’t know where to start and to everyone who deserves to feel like they can do anything the put their mind to too! Introducing… Tap To Tidy at Pickle Cottage.

"I really hope you love this as much as I have adored making it. It’s been my baby for the last year and im so so proud of it. Thank you for being the most incredible insta family anyone could ever wish for and coming along on this magical journey with us 🥹 To the moon and back, always 🖤 - Of course - Dedicated to my whole world - Joe, my Pickles, Teddy & Peanut. But a very special dedication to you Theo. Thank you for the best 13 years I could have ever wished for - Here’s to forever darling girl 🖤"

Stacey's fans were quick to comment on the post. One wrote, "Absolutely love this! You should be so proud of everything you have done @staceysolomon and it’s been wonderful to watch x"

Another person added, "I've already pre ordered Queen! Honestly so happy for you and can't wait."

Stacey shared a screenshot of some of the DMs she had received on her story with the caption, "I love you all so much. Thank you for being the BEST Insta family I could ever wish for. I'm so grateful for you all."

©@staceysolomon's Instagram story

Tap To Tidy at Pickle Cottage is a follow up to Stacey's book from last year, Tap to Tidy. The first book was full of crafting ideas, tidying tips and recipes, allowing you to recreate the magic in your home. Preferably with a Daim bar in hand, obviously.

Stacey said of the first book in a press release, "When I started doing Tap to Tidy on Instagram, I had no idea people would enjoy the satisfaction of seeing a huge mess turn into something liveable as much as I do! And I’m so grateful, because, quite frankly, it’s the only content I’ve got most of the time. It’s been a dream come true to put all my favourite tidying, organising and crafting projects into writing and share my weirdness with the world.”

Stacey's second book will focus specifically on her renovation of Pickle Cottage, with pages dedicated to certain areas and instructions for the DIY techniques she implemented

Each chapter is dedicated to a room in the house and shows readers how she transformed each room herself. Each chapter will also include a combination of hero projects (big renovation or organisational projects) 
and Quick fixes (small jobs to spruce up a room).

To say we are excited for the release of the book would be a massive understatement. It will be released on 29 September, but is available to preorder now.

Tap To Tidy at Pickle Cottage Amazon
Price: $28.72

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