Closer's Jack White thinks that Kimye are onto something...
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have 'hired a stylist 13-month-old for North'…
Why shouldn't they hire her a stylist? They've got more than enough money to and they both have such demanding jobs that shopping for their own clothes must be a trying enough task, without having to swing by Baby Gap.
Also, they are one of the most photographed families in the world. This is not North's doing, of course.

But surely it's better for her to be able to look back on the thousands of pictures documenting her growth and be able to say: "My mum and dad always made sure I looked good."
In the eyes of the unforgiving public, Kim and Kanye can't do right for doing wrong.
If they dressed her badly they would be slammed, and by hiring a stylist to ensure she always looks good they are being labelled by some as 'pushy parents'.
I'm sure, if given the choice, most parents wouldn't turn down to opportunity to rid their busy lives of the tedious task of clothes shopping.
Closer's Fiona Day thinks that Kimye are wrong to spend money on a styist for North West...
Hiring a stylist for a one year old baby is obscene and over indulgent, both Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s millions could be used towards ensuring their daughter has a healthy, broadened view of the world rather than encouraging a warped sense of self and an over inflated ego.
The great thing about being a child is being able to express yourself and wearing ridiculous clothes that you picked out yourself- and still looking cute because you’re a kid!

North West is going to be deprived of looking back on childhood photos of her wearing the most ridiculous clothes, something that we all secretly love doing (admit it).
In a later episode of ‘Friends’, Rachel’s sister Amy announces that she has decided to become a ‘baby stylist’, a line met with hysterical laughter. People laugh because it is ridiculous- because that’s what ‘baby styling’ is- ridiculous.
By hiring a baby their own stylist, Kim and Kanye are instilling in them that what matters most is the way they look. We all know that this outlook fundamentally makes people unhappy and insecure.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.