The zebra illusion that’s driving the internet wild – can you solve the puzzle?

Zebra illusion puzzle

by Owen Tonks |
Published on

A new baffling illusion has hit the internet and it’s driving people mad.

A picture shared on BBC Earth’s Facebook page shows a heard of zebras marching away.

But cleverly hidden is a tiny little badger which the people of the web are finding REALLY tough to find.

Even once it was pointed out to us, we had to really look to see it, but the little fella’s there.

Zebra illusion puzzle

And while people are going wild for the puzzle, people can’t help but give it a go.

One person commented: “I spent an hour looking for it any couldn’t find it.”

Another wrote: “Ok, I thought that this endeavour was a stupid waste of time, until I spotted the badger.”

At least it’s not the return of the blue and black dress, or was it black and gold?

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