Young girl saves her mum’s life with moves learnt from Mrs Doubtfire

A seven-year-old girl saved her mum’s life when she remembered how to perform the Heimlich maneuver from watching Mrs Doubtfire.


by Abi Hooper |
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Amira Thorntan from Oregon, USA, came to the rescue of her mum Jennifer when she started choking on some sausage to the point where she couldn’t speak.

Amira and her mum Jennifer spoke to KABC
Amira and her mum Jennifer spoke to KABC

Amira was watching TV when she heard her mum struggling in the kitchen. After seeing that Jennifer was choking, she recalled the scene from the 1993 comedy where Robin Williams administers the Heimlich to Pierce Brosnan.

‘I picked her up three times,’ Amira told KABC. ‘She spit the sausage out.’

The scene which inspired Amira

Amira’s mum admitted that she had panicked before her brave daughter saved the day: ‘It was pretty scary because there was nobody else here, and I couldn't talk, I couldn't, I was just in shock.’

Amira said that, in addition to Mrs. Doubtfire, her grandfather had showed her how to perform the lifesaving maneuver.

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