Sudan, who is the only male of his species left on the planet, is being looked after in a Kenyan game conservancy, where armed guards watch him for 24 hours of the day.
To protect him further, Sudan has had his ivory horn removed so that poachers will be put off, and has been fitted with radio transmitters.

The Northern White Rhino is a species dating back 50 million years, with there being only 5 of the creatures left in the world.
Two females live in captivity, while a further two also live with the male in the conservation area.
Just 55 years ago, there were more than 2,000 of the species roaming the earth, a number which fell drastically to 15 by 1984.
Ivory poaching is a huge problem in Kenya and beyond, where criminals look for ivory that can fetch prices of £50,000 per kilogram.