Ida the Angora rabbit is the proud owner of the fluffiest rabbit fur in the world.
The pampered rabbit sports over 10 inches of perfectly groomed and coiffed hair, which is shampooed and combed every day.
Ida is owned by Economics professor Betty Chu, who is a well-known figure on the rabbit show circuit (yup, there’s a whole ‘circuit’ dedicated to rabbits).
Fluffy Ida is the first Anora rabbit to win Open Best in Show at the American Rabbit Breeder Association National Convention.

Ida’s dedicated owner attended the show to compete her impressive rabbit but also to offer information on how to care for and groom Angora rabbits.
The prize-winning rabbit will be touring parts of California- who said rabbit shows weren’t rock and roll!
Betty’s secret behind Ida’s volumuous hair-do is that she blow-dries her very dense fur.
Betty Chu’s most important advise for fluffy rabbit owners?
“Don’t be fooled by an English Angora’s big coat, check carefully. The big coat can hide a lot of problems, and it is up to the judge to seek it out.”
What do you think of award-winning Ida’s amazing hair-do?