The brave mother-of-two took to Reddit to share the message she wrote to her 'toxic' father.
She wrote:
“Your phone call caught me off guard. Aside from feeling bewildered I am not a fan of conflict. I wish I had handled it differently. The email I sent you over a year ago was saying goodbye forever. I was at peace with that. Now, for the third day in a row I am feeling unsettled about a new problem in my otherwise harmonious life.
“No, you may not meet my daughters, ever. There isn’t a single thing they can possibly benefit from by doing so.
“Please do not call again, ever."
“As much as you would like to deny it to yourself and pretend it all away, you abused me. Although my recollection is hazy there is no reason EVER for a 3 or 4 year old girl to take showers with her father or naked naps either. My girls are now that age and the mere thought of you hugging them and holding them in your lap sickens me.
“I’m not scared anymore, you are a vile, disgusting person.
“How about when I was 4 ½ and I would get spanked with the BUCKLE END of the belt. I remember the cuts on the backs of my calves. Do you? My baby girl is 4 ½ and as much as she can drive me up a wall sometimes, I could never ever imagine a loving parent being such a twisted, cruel and sadistic beast.

“How about the day I ripped my pants in 7th grade even though you told me not to. Do you remember screaming and punching me in the leg over and over while you drove the ½ mile home? I do. I was 12, all the kids picked on me, as they did every time I was flip flopped between schools and countries. I had the joys of being the foreign kid in both nations… Ripping those jeans was a desperate attempt to fit in and stop getting beat up. I was way more afraid of those kids than I was you.
“Then there were so many beatings in between.
“My life was a mess because I became what you raised me to be."
“Some abused children have “target” “tattooed” on their forehead. Do you realise that not only did I have your dysfunction to survive but that you inadvertently groomed me to be approached by over a dozen different men and boys from the age of 4 ½ to 12? I guess I lost my appeal when I hit puberty.
“Do you realize that you taught me how to interact with men? Do you realize that 17 years of my life were wasted in a miserable marriage because I thought being treated like shit was normal
“Did you realize that my mental health disorders may have been exacerbated by my traumatizing childhood? I may have had just garden variety depression or better yet been fucking normal if you had been worth a sh*t as a parent.
Do you have any idea how absolutely devastating and permanently life altering my mental health and emotional issues have been?
I had anxiety and panic attacks at 6 years of age… You accused me of being lazy and throwing up all over my school clothes several days in a row so I could get you to drive me to school.
“I also remember you bullying me into stopping my outward signs of anxiety as well as the tick I was developing because it annoyed you. Can you possibly even imagine the strength it took a molested, beaten 6 year old child with panic attacks and a tick to muster the ability to stifle the symptoms so as not to anger their abuser?
“My daughters are absolutely gorgeous, everyone notices them, wants to talk to them and compliments them every time we go out. Every time I escape my antisocial hideout (because I hate the world) I am on high alert with my daughters. I am obsessive about covering their panties when they wear dresses so strange men don’t see them. Every sweet old man who wants to say hello turns on my radar. Even my incredible Son, or the girls wonderful Uncles make me edgy when they innocently touch my girls.
“In spite of that incredible disadvantage I am a good person. I thank you for the abuse because now I know my precious daughters will be protected from the evils of “men” like you. As a loving mother I gladly carry my scars and experiences so I can have the ability to keep them safe. They will be the first generation that escapes the curse of your family.

“If you really loved me, which I have established by now you don’t, you would go away, forever. You seeking pity is for your own selfish desires and has nothing to do with anyone else’s needs. Your health and the pleas of a slowly dying man, ill from his own choices, will not be heard. You are reaping what you have sown.
“To be perfectly honest the fact that you are a step Father to a young, special ed lady horrifies me because I know your truths. You are still a liar, manipulator and are a pervert who plays Santa Claus. I am disgusted. I won’t wish you dead because it is bad karma. However, I know the world will be a better and safer place when your sickness is removed from it.
“I’m sorry it has come to this because I am a better person than this. I deserve this closure and you deserve the truth and the pain that comes with it. That pain isn’t even the smallest fraction of what I endured and will continue to survive until my last breath.
“See you in hell. I look forward to the suffering just so I can see you burn.”
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