Woman travels 1,600 miles to Yulin to save animals ahead of cruel Dog Meat Festival

An inspirational woman is desperately trying to save hundreds of animals from a cruel, painful death


by Ellie Henman |
Published on

This weekend a festival of dog meat will take place in Yulin, China. Thousands of dogs will be skinned alive, boiled alive or burnt to death with blowtorches. The inhumane torture of the dogs supposedly adds to the flavour of their meat.

Hundreds of people have signed petitions to halt the sick festival but still, nothing has changed. Celebrities including Ricky Gervais have made desperate pleas to stop the murderous acts but until the petitions gain international recognition – nothing will change.

But alongside the thousands heading to the festival, one woman Yang Xiaoyun stands out from the crowd. Last year she travelled to Yulin from her home, which is 1,600 miles away, and saved 360 dogs. This year, she is taking her life savings - £5,000 – and hopes to try and rescue many more.

The 65-year-old plans to buy the dogs from traders and take them to a safe house.

Since 2010 it’s thought around 10,000 dogs are taken to Yulin for slaughter. If they don’t die on the arduous journey, from shock, starvation or dehydration, they are killed in the most horrific manner.

If you want to help try and stop this terrible festival, please help us and sign this petition.

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