The plane- which was carrying 298 passengers- was shot down over the border of Russia and Ukraine.
The plane took off from Amsterdam and was bound for Kuala Lumpur, a popular stop-off point between Europe and Australia.
Most of those onboard the plane were Dutch, with many also being of Australian nationality.
So far, no one has taken the blame for downing the plane, but pressure is being mounted on Russia to accept responsibility.

The woman who uploaded the photo of the mascara- named as Ekaterina Parkhomenko and also alleged to be a pro-Russian Ukrainian- posted the photo with the caption: “Mascara from Amsterdam; to be precise, from the field. Well, you understand.”
One Instagram user commented: “Even if it is a fake posting — but I don’t think so — it is sick, completely sick, from whoever is responsible.”
The families of the victims of the downed plane have reported bank cards stolen, with many of them alleged to have been taken by pro-Russian rebels.
Reports also claim that looters have been stealing electronic equipment from the wreckage, with victim’s phones being answered by men with ‘eastern European’ accents.
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