Geeta Devi, 32, was sent to another hospital after the mistake was realised, where doctors managed to remove the head from her womb - but it was too late to save her life.
Devi was admitted to a government hospital in Uttar Pradesh, India, on Saturday night after feeling labour pains.

But after doctors botched the delivery of her child, pulling on the body of the baby girl, the head was severed and left inside the mother’s body.
Geeta was then transported to another hospital, where doctors desperately tried to save her, but she tragically died on Sunday morning.
Her husband Hemant, 40, said: ‘It is the fault of the doctors. First they removed the body of my baby - leaving the head inside - and then they told us to take my wife to another hospital. They just left us.’
The District Magistrate is now pursuing a severe case of negligence.