Woman denies snorting ashes of landlady’s dead mother!

A woman has denied snorting the ashes of a dead woman during a house party


by Ellie Henman |
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The story of a party-goer, who was accused of snorting the ashes of her landlady’s dead mother, shocked the nation earlier this week.

Jacqui Tierney claims her lodger Natalie Hawes picked out the ashes of her mother, Hilda, from an urn and inhaled them during a party at her home in Dundee.

Earlier this week, Jaqui, 51, who claims she took Natalie, 20, in when she need a home, expressed her shock at the allegation. “How could someone do something like this? It is beyond belief that this happened in my own home,” she said.

“She just took the ashes from the top of my unit and started snorting them. My friend witnessed the whole thing and decided I should be told. My mum meant the world to me and, apart from anything else, how could someone do something so disrespectful?”

Witnesses then claimed Natalie hoovered up the remains of Jacqui’s mother.

However, Natalie has since denied the claims, telling the Mirror: “It didn't involve me. I didn't snort anyone's ashes at all. They tried to tell me the powder was bubbles but I could see it wasn't right. It didn't look like what they said it was. It looked like ash out of an ashtray. I never took it.”

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