WATCH: Shocking video reveals the reality of domestic abuse

This shocking video may be hard to watch, but it reveals the realities of everyday life for victims of domestic abuse everywhere

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by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

According to NHS Choices, domestic abuse mainly affects women between the ages of 16 and 24.

Domestic violence is no respecter of wealth, of culture - it can affect anyone. And, for many victims, it is a nightmare. They feel ashamed, they feel frightened and, most of all, they feel trapped.

On average, most victims try to leave their partner / spouse seven times before it actually sticks, largely because exiting the relationship is the most dangerous time.

This video is difficult to watch. But it may help many to come to terms with the realities of domestic violence.

It's very important that victims feel safe to share the information that they're experiencing domestic violence. If it's happening to you, you need to talk to someone you can trust.

You can go to the police for help with domestic violence, but you can also speak to health services; nurses, doctors, A&E professionals are all more equipped these days to help those in need.

You can also get in touch with Women's Aid, with Refuge, and with the National Domestic Violence Helpline.

Go and seek help immediately, do not leave it - because things can escalate, they can get far worse.

There is help out there.

You will be believed, you will be supported. And there are people that can help you make that move - but you really have to do it for yourself as much as anybody else.

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