WATCH: Inspirational boy stands up to bullies: ‘See me for me’

Watch this amazing inspirational clip of a young boy bravely standing up to his bullies.


by Fiona Day |
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For many of us, school wasn’t a fun place where we can learn new things and catch up with our friends. Instead, school was a daily destination of terror. Four walls acting like a prison where bullies could torture you on an everyday basis.

Advice from parents and teachers usually comes in the form of phrases such as ‘stand up to them’ or ‘ignore them- they’ll get bored.’

When you’re a 9-year-old being teased relentlessly, this advice can be almost impossible to follow. Sometimes you need just a little bit of courage to help you fend off the bullies.

This brave boy decided that enough was enough. He chose a spare moment in his school gym class and stood up before the bullies, telling them he was sick of being treated as a ‘target’ for their jokes.

He told them: ‘I just think that you don’t see me for me, I think you guys see me as a big target’

‘You always leave me out of stuff and never pay attention to what I say.’

He added, kindly: ‘I wanna try to be your friend but you don’t try to be mine, it makes me feel kinda bad that you don’t really wanna know me.’

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