If you're not a fan of Cooking Fast & Fresh With West yet on YouTube, you're definitely going to be by the end of this.
Misha Collins, in the videos, allows his young son West to take on the role of Head Chef, while he is delegated to "shoe chef", as the tot adorably puts it.
And in THIS video we see the duo create their very own special dinner of "pasta with jam sauce" - all West's own design.
Cue plenty of mixing, mess, mini pumpkins, scoopfuls of jam and chocolate-tomato fusion dishes.
Check it out:
So, let's just recap; that's 10 inches of carrot juice, so many of the pasta sauce and all the jam? Perfection.
While it ends pretty messily, the smile on little West's face as he takes charge of the cooking makes this all worthwhile, we think.
Would you ever be tempted to let your little one take control in the kitchen? And, more importantly, would you be willing to eat whatever they concocted by the end of it all? Let us know via the Comments Box below now.