After taking in two-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier Gordon- who was found abandoned on the streets of Brent in November 2014- Mayhew Rescue Centre staff quickly realised he couldn’t hear a thing.
Rescue centre PR officer Raffy Hamid explains: “When Gordon was first rescued, he was scared and confused.** **The staff soon noticed that when they went into his kennel in the morning he wouldn't wake up as he didn't hear them coming in. Only when they stroked him, he would open his eyes. After having a thorough assessment with our vets the diagnosed him 100% deaf.”
****Thankfully the pup- who has now been adopted by couple Richard Neenan, 31, and his writer girlfriend Josanne- quickly picked up commands by body language, hand signals and reading faces. Incredibly, he has now been taught to sit, stand, put his paw out and stay. He has also been shown how to rollover and get down on the floor.
Raffy says: “Gordon's a complete softie, who loves treats.** **He’s on a special diet and loves chicken. He likes snuggling in for cuddles, especially likes to lie next to you on the sofa and bed. He also enjoys playing with teddies but most of all likes to be showered with love and attention. All staff at The Mayhew absolutely love him and think he’s amazing. We can only guess he’s been overlooked because he’s deaf and there are lots of Staffies out there for people to choose from.”

Gordon’s new owner, Richard Neenan, 31, says: “My girlfriend, Josanne, was browsing The Mayhew’s website and saw Gordon being taught sign language on a special pets video. She took one look at him and decided she wanted him. We had a Staffie before with health problems, who sadly died, and we really wanted to help another one.
“He’s already very attached to us and settled in so well. We’ve got a garden and a huge golf course nearby where he goes for a walk every day. He’s a great dog, very clever and full of beans and we’re keeping up the sign language.
Dog Adoption Officer Lisa Guiney says: “Despite his deafness, Gordon is the most confident, active and clever dog who really deserved his second chance after being here for so long.”
**If you would like to adopt a Mayhew pet please visit or call 0208 962 8009 **