YouTube star Cassandra Bankson has made a name for herself after filming easy-to-follow tutorials and emotional clips on how she deals with severe acne.
But after a routine scan. Cassandra learnt that she also suffers from uterus didelphys, meaning she possesses not one, but two vaginas.
She explained to Barcroft TV: "When we got the test results back the doctor said I only had one kidney and flippantly added that I have two vaginas - as she suspected.
"There is one vaginal opening but inside there are two vaginas, two uteri, two cervixes. Most vaginas are one large cavity but this is a complete separation into two different cavities.
"I was shocked and the doctor explained to me that it was like an upside nose. I didn't really know what to make of it - I was just in shock but I don't really let it get in the way of my life. It certainly helped explain a lot of things."
The condition has left her with very painful periods, the symptoms of which she suffered from throughout her teens.
She says: "Ever since I was younger I would go to the doctor because I was bleeding for 28 days or I would have two periods a month - but they never suspected I had a second vagina.
"I always had really bad cramps - I could not move or my bowels would just not want to behave because the cramps were so bad."
Watch the clip below and find out how Cassandra is coping with her diagnosis: