VIDEO: Heartwarming April Fool’s Day prank changes life of heroic waitress

This heartwarming April Fool's Day prank completely transformed the life of one remarkable woman…


by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

Waitress Chelsea Roff is the kind of person who always thinks of others before herself.

She raised her sister from a young age, all by herself, and overcame a difficult eating disorder when she was younger.

Even more amazing? She's set up her very own non-profit Eat Breathe Thrive organisation, which helps people overcome their own eating disorders through yoga.

All in all, she's an awesome human being - and that's why we're very happy that So decided to “prank it forward” and give this heroic waitress a shift she would never forget.

Check it out:

So that's a $1000 tip, two tickets to Hawaii, a dream job offer, a car AND a hug from her best friend in the whole wide world, specially flown in for the occasion.

She truly deserves it.

Better still? For every single view the #PrankitFWD video gets, $1 will be donated to charity - so it's the prank that just keeps on giving. We wish more people would think up ideas like these!

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