UK Weather: Sunny weekend spells bad news for hay fever sufferers

We don’t want to speak too soon, but forecasters are predicting we’re set for some more fantastic weather this weekend.


by Ellie Hooper |
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That’s right - for once, we are actually going to experience TWO sunny weekend in a row, as the good weather continues this Saturday and Sunday.

Picture from the Met Office

Today the mercury is set to hit the high 20s for most of the country, with Scotland and Northern Ireland experiencing marginally lower temps of around 17 and 18C.

But while we will be basking in the sun for most of the weekend, hay fever sufferers won’t be happy - as pollen levels are due to be high too.

The further south you go, the higher the pollen levels - so southerners you might want to stock up on some serous antihistamines in preparation.

And although temperatures won't quite reach what they did last week, when London basked in highs of 36C, we can expect the mercury to peak at 26/27C in the capital.

Parasols and suncream at the ready then folks!

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