As a mother waited for her train with her baby in Brisbane, Australia, she turned her back on the pram she was using for a brief moment.
Suddenly, the pram can be seen on CCTV footage rolling in to the path of a train, colliding with it.
Luckily, the mother had removed her baby from the pram moments before, and the child was uninjured in the incident.
But Greg Fill, the Rail General Manager for Safety in Queensland, has said this particular event proves how important it is to be vigilant while travelling with small children.
‘A second is all it takes for an incident like this to turn from a close call to something much worse,’ he said.
Train Driver Peter Cohen added that, even though no one was hurt this time, seeing a pram roll in front of your train could cause severe trauma to drivers.
‘These type of incidents are often shocking and traumatic for train drivers,’ he said.
‘Some train drivers are repeatedly suffering trauma as a result.’