Brave burns victim: ‘I’m living life to the full!’

Terri Calvesbert was only a toddler when a house fire left her with 90% burns.


by Francine Anker |
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In her 19 years, Terri Calvesbert has endured over 50 operations to repair her damaged skin after she was horrifically injured in a house fire.

Terri was just 18 months old when the blaze started after her mum accidentally left a lit cigarette by her cot.

The toddler was given little chance of survival and fire fighters initially thought she was a charred doll when they found her.

Against all odds, Terri pulled through and despite her life-changing injuries, she has shown incredible bravery and a positive attitude.

Now the courageous teen reveals that she has moved out of the home she shared with her dad Paul, 42, and step-mum Nicky, 47, to live with a friend and is hoping to become a care worker for disabled people.

Terri Calvesbert
Terri Calvesbert

She tells Closer: "I'm loving living with my friend and having new found independence.

"I do normal things like other girls my age, go out to pubs and clubs, go shopping and have girlie nights in. I'm going to learn to drive a specially-adapted car too.

"There have been difficult times over the years going through so many painful operations, but I'm so proud I've got to this point."

Sadly, Terri has been the victim of a vile trolling campaign.

Cruel internet bullies posted a picture of her on Facebook with the caption: "everyone is ashamed of me because I am deformed", which has attracted more than 2,200 comments and been shared 10,000 times.

But in Terri's typical upbeat nature, she's bounced back and her friends Michelle Wright, 53, and Gavin Jacques, 30, have stepped in and set up a government petition to highlight cyber-bullying.

Terri adds: "I want to see more done to protect people from cyber bullying.

"Nobody should have to deal with this kind of negative attention and Facebook should be doing more to stop it.

"But I'm not letting it get me down. I've got too many things to look forward to and an exciting future."

You can support Terri's campaign by clicking here.

Read more of this story in Closer mag, out today.

Terri Calvesbert: 'A child with burns would be lucky to grow up with Katie Piper'

Brave burns victim Terri Calversbert: 'I'm busy studying - but I'd like a boyfriend'

Terri Calvesbert: 'My new ears make me feel just like my friends’

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