Michaela Smith from Alabama in the U.S. made the shocking discovery that her father had hidden a video camera in between her cheerleading trophies when she was 15.
After he was investigated, she discovered her father had filmed her on four separate occasions and stored the images on his computer.
But despite being horrified at her father's actions, Michaela says she has now learnt to forgive her father and wants to help other victims.

'I lost my innocence that day,' says Michaela, now 18. 'I realise it was horrible but it was a necessary price in order to help my father and to use this experience to help others.'
Amazingly, Michaela refers to her ordeal as a 'sacrifice' that has helped to make positive changes for others.
And she credits the year her father spent in prison with saving his life, saying: 'Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom for us to make a change and that is what happened to my father.'
Remarkably, Michaela has even urged her mother not to divorce her father following the ordeal, as she believes families should stick together in the tough times.
Despite this, Michaela's father in banned from seeing her and this can only change with her consent - which she is not currently ready to give.