Teenager caught in Grenfell fire escaped with her revision notes and amazingly sat her GCSE exam the next morning


by Emma Dodds |
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A teenage resident of Grenfell Tower was determined not to miss her exam the next day and turned up in her pyjamas

The whole country has watched in horror as the devastation caused by the Grenfell Tower fire becomes clear. But the terrifying event has spurred people into action as they try to help those affected.

Londoners have travelled across the city with clothes, blankets, food - anything at all they can offer those who were caught in the fire.

Other places in the UK are organising collections and have vans full of donations ready to go at a moment's notice.

There have so far been 17 confirmed dead from the fire (Credit: Getty Images) ©Getty Images

The human kindness shining through and the determination to help is wonderful to behold.

And someone who showed immense courage in the hours that followed the fire is 16-year-old Inês Alves.

Inês, who lived on the 13th floor of Grenfell Tower with her father Miguel, mother Fatima and brother Tiago, was studying for her Chemistry GCSE exam on Tuesday night when her dad returned from work and spotted the smoke.

Miguel, 49, quickly ran up to their flat and told his children to get out of the building.

Inês, thinking that the fire would quickly be put out, grabbed her revision notes for her imminent exam.

She told Metro.co.uk: "As the fire was still small, it had just started so it wasn’t major at that point, I grabbed my phone and my Chemistry notes and we fled.

"I was trying to revise while we waited downstairs. I didn't think that I would never be going back home."

Tiago, who is studying physics at Kings College London, told The Mirror: "We realised about 3am that our flat had been destroyed and despite being at a friend's house, my sister couldn't sleep, so she studied for the exam instead."

Tiago explained that despite explaining to Inês that she wouldn't have to sit the exam, she wouldn't listen: "She had studied so hard for it, she was determined she was going to take it."

Messages of support have been left near the tower (Credit: Getty Images) ©Getty Images

Brave Inês then came back to assist her parents in helping other families whose lives had been destroyed by the fire.

The selfless girl then said: "I'm devastated that my house burnt down but even more devastated at the amount of people who died."

Our thoughts are with all those affected by the fire.

If you are concerned for a loved one, please call the Met Police casualty bureau on 0800 0961 233.


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