Teenager gets tattoo of penis after drunken party

A teenager got a penis tattooed on her shoulder with a DIY tattoo gun after a party.

Holly before with Mum

by Maria Vallahis |
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Holly Aston, 17, reportedly allowed a drunken friend to tattoo her with a tattoo gun she bought online for about £50.

It was also reported, as well as getting the penis on her shoulder, the teenager got the word ‘dyke’ permanently done on her ankle.

Holly managed to hide the tattoo, which ‘ruined her student life’ in Birmingham, from her parents for two years.

After uncovering the tattoo the morning after the party she was horrified and later on even turned down a holiday to Lanzarote because of fear the tattoo would be revealed.

Holly, who has a diploma in Animal Management, told the Birmingham Mail: “I had my first tattoo done by a qualified bloke who had turned part of his house into a studio.

Holly Aston will appear on Channel 4's Bodyshockers tonight.

“I had a large picture done on my forearm of a comic book woman. It’s supposed to be Storm from the X Men, although I just chose it out of a book because I thought it was cool. My family hated it but I still went on to get more.

“It was so easy to buy a tattoo gun off the Internet for about £50. You get the full kit of needles and ink and it’s easy to operate, though they give you no instructions about keeping it sterile. We were very lucky not to get an infection or blood poisoning.

“I had tattoo parties with my mates. We’d have some drinks and tattoo each other – it was stupid.”

And in the true power of the Internet, a show called Bodyshockers: Nips, Tucks and Tattoos caught wind of what happened, and is offering to cover the costs of lasering off her amateur tats.

Holly will appear on the Channel 4 series tonight. Katie Piper is also due to appear on the programme to explore the world of weird tattoos, piercings and plastic surgery.

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