The 27-year-old – who gave birth while chained to the floor of her cell – was facing death by hanging after being imprisoned for apostacy after converting to her husband’s faith of Christianity
She was also tried for adultery after Sudanese authorities failed to recognize her marriage to her Catholic husband Daniel Wani.
Yesterday, she won an appeal and was released but now reports claim she has been re-arrested by the Sudanese authorities after trying to leave Sudan earlier today.
Mariam was with her husband, new-born baby Maya, and 20-month-old son, Martin.
It’s claimed she was confronted at Khartoum airport by up to 50 armed guards.
Her lawyer, Elshareef Ali Mohammed, has spoken about the incident, saying: “They knew she had been cleared by the court but they have re-arrested her - I don't know why.”
It’s not yet known where Meriam, or her family, have been taken.