Study finds money CAN make you happy. An extra £167 to be precise…


by Emma Dodds |
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A study has found that out of all the different type of households in the UK, families nearly have the most spare cash out of everyone.

The study, which was conducted by insurers SunLife, polled 3,000 UK households in their annual "Cash Happy" report to find out whether money really does make people happier.

According to the research, it was found that instead of needing millions of pounds to achieve happiness, people only need an extra £38 a week or £167 a month to be happy.

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The survey also found that of all the households polled, young families had the second most spare cash left over.

WE KNOW. What?! That can't be right!

Here's how much money British households have left over at the end of the month

  • Households with two earners: £878

  • Young families: £611

  • Empty nesters (children who have left home): £607

  • Over 50's: £480

  • Older families: £474

  • Sharing with housemates: £207

  • People who live alone: £157

Where on EARTH this spare cash is going, we really don't know - if anyone finds it, could they please tell us?!

But the study also found that one in four people admitted that they live beyond their means, and almost one in 20 people go into the red over £1,000 every month.

Do YOU have this much spare cash at the end of the month? (Credit: Getty Images) ©Getty Images

Top 10 things people do with their spare cash

  1. Save it
  1. Holidays
  1. Clothing
  1. Cinema
  1. Eating out
  1. Days out
  1. Pubs
  1. Takeaways
  1. Sports and hobbies
  1. Theatre

Would YOU agree that you have this much money left over at the end of each month? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.


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